Alan's Images > Biography > Facts



Graduated Wyoming High School, Magna Cum Laude, 1974

Attended Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 1974-1975

Major in Electrical Engineering/Pre-Med

Graduated Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, Magna Cum Laude, 1979

Bachelor of Science in Communications

Major in Advertising Photography

Minor in Art History


Rob Paris Studio, Cincinnati, Ohio, various times from 1970-1974

Darkroom Technician, Photographer

Metcut Research, Cincinnati, Ohio, summer of 1973
Darkroom Technician

James F. Brown Photography, Cincinnati, Ohio, summer of 1974
Photography Assistant

Washington University School Paper, St. Louis, Missouri, 1974-1975
Photographer, Photo Editor

Robin Color Lab, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1975-1977
Assistant Manager

Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 1977-1979
Teaching Assistant

Lorenze Photography, Syracuse, New York, 1978
Photography Assistant

General Electric, Heavy Military Division, Syracuse, New York, 1978-1979
Photography Assistant, Photography Lab Technician

McHale/Brown Photography, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1979-1981
Studio Manager, Advertising Photographer

PhotoDesign, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1981-1992
Business Owner/Partner in Advertising/Commercial Photography

Photonics Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1989-Present
Business Owner/Partner in Graphics Design Studio/Web Development/Mobile App Development

IESC Assignments

Illuzions, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1998 (still have ongoing communication with owner and have visited since to check on status and development of company). Worked with owner of graphic design studio to develop workflow and marketing tools, assess current technology status, and to provide working techniques of a commercial graphic design and communications company.

3.ADA (Triada), Yerevan, Armenia, 1999 (still have ongoing communication with owners and have tried to provide some project work experience on an ongoing basis). Worked with owners of 3D animation studio to who wished to start competing on a global basis by developing workflow and marketing tools, assess current technology status, and to provide working techniques of a 3D animation/interactive development company.

Personal Statistics

Married for 41 years to Christine Brown.

Children:   Benjamin, 32, and Rachel, 30.

Contact Information:

513-238-5040 (Cell)

513-281-5000, x101 (Office)


Web site:

Community Service (Past and Present)

Board Member of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

Board Member and officer of the Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati

Board Member of JVS Career Services

Chair for the Jewish Committee on Scouting, Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America, Cincinnati, OH

Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL) Committee and Finance Committee, Congregation Beth Adam

Former Co-Chair of the Partnership 2Gether Committee of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

Former Chairperson of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce CEO Roundtables

Former Facilitator for CEO Roundtable 6, Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce

Former Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 112, Cincinnati, OH

Former President, Board of Trustees, Congregation Beth Adam

Former Board of Trustee member, Congregation Beth Adam

Volunteer Executive for International Executive Service Corp

Former Treasurer and Board Member, Art Directors Club of Cincinnati

Former President of Digital Artist Working Group

Former President and Board Member of Cincinnati-Kharkiv Sister City Partnership

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Alan's Images